Category: Personal Safety

How to Support Your Bullied Child

If you have a child being bullied, our hope is that you find some help here. It can be challenging to know how much or how little to get involved when our kids get bullied. I cannot say whether bullying is any better or worse than what it may have been back when I was… Read more How to Support Your Bullied Child

Trick or Treat, Safe and Sweet

To be honest, I am excited to blog about Halloween. This used to be one of my favorite so-called holidays, as I’m sure it is with a lot of children. As much as I wanted to eat my way through the candy before we made it home, my parents would not let me. I’m not… Read more Trick or Treat, Safe and Sweet

A Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Help Resource

We do not talk about statistics here or describe what constitutes domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV). There are already plenty of resources, including many of those listed here, that can provide that data if you are interested or do not already know first-hand. Our goal, or I should say our hope, is for… Read more A Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Help Resource

Deciding On a Home Defense Tool

A few weeks ago, I was visiting our local firearms shop and overheard a customer discussing with one of the staff choices for a home defense weapon. The customer was looking at a Banshee 300 blackout. They asked to see a couple of other AR options and then the customer asked, “what would you suggest… Read more Deciding On a Home Defense Tool

Winter is Coming: Preparing Your Home for the Cold

This past Sunday was the first day of fall. Department stores are putting away their summer items as the summer season has ended.  Soon the crisp autumn air will give way to the biting chill of winter, and it will be time to prepare our homes for the colder months ahead. Winter brings not just… Read more Winter is Coming: Preparing Your Home for the Cold

A Tale of an Enforced Personal Boundary

What are Personal Boundaries? Personal boundaries are key in any personal safety plan you may have, not only in setting them, but most importantly, enforcing them. What exactly are personal boundaries? Well without referencing any official definition, I describe them as guardrails or limits you establish for when dealing with interpersonal scenarios that you do… Read more A Tale of an Enforced Personal Boundary

Sig Sauer P365 XMacro and Springfield Hellcat Pro Comparison

This summer, I decided to switch to a micro-compact pistol for my everyday carry (EDC). This was a change from the compact EDC I typically carry during the summer months. Why the switch, you might ask? Well, I gained some weight and needed something easier to conceal. I have average size hands, but I like… Read more Sig Sauer P365 XMacro and Springfield Hellcat Pro Comparison

Community Safety: It Takes a Village

Some of our previous blogs focused on personal safety, a few in particular discussed safety around the home. We’ve covered topics like Enhancing Security Outside Your Home and Enhancing Security Inside Your Home, offering practical tips for home security. We also posted a podcast on How to Make Your Home More Secure. Now, we’re extending… Read more Community Safety: It Takes a Village

Prioritizing Your Safety When Walking, Jogging, or Running

Recently, I started walking again. I say ‘again’ though the last time I did any related movement was when I was jogging regularly, about 6 years ago. These days I am just walking. Of course, my ‘walking’ may be considered by some to be more like power walking though I would describe it more as… Read more Prioritizing Your Safety When Walking, Jogging, or Running

Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers

Have you ever experienced a grease fire while cooking, only to realize you weren’t prepared to put it out? Maybe you tried using water and quickly learned that wasn’t a good idea. Many of us overlook the importance of having a fire extinguisher at home, thinking we’ll never need it—until we do. Portable fire extinguishers… Read more Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers